Neem Benefits Agriculture
The active content of neem tree, azadirachtin, a naturally occurring substance belonging to an organic class of molecule called tetranortriterpenoids is used in agrochemicals like insecticides and pesticides to protect the plants. The active ingredient acts by hampering the growth process of an insect from larva to pupa to adult. It further inhibits the production of insects and acts as a cover shield for plants. This active ingredient also has anti feedant properties for insects thus breaking their life cycle.
Neem Benefits Humans
Neem and its compounds, its extracts and finished products have been known to cure a large number of human ailments. Right from skin diseases to diabetes, from cholesterol to hair problems, from ulcers to dental problems, the ways in which it ffects our lives can not be underestimated.
Neem Benefits Animals
Neem and its products have been used for curing a large number of animal diseases. Neem leaves mixed with other natural ingredients can be used to treat eye diseases, cough etc. It is used in livestock production and health. It is also used as a healthy animal feed as it contains proteins, minerals, carotene etc.