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5.Conclusion and Recommendation

:Combination of digital topographic map and landsat image is useful procedure to prepare land use map, especially for last decades. Change detection and monitoring involve the use of multi-data images or aerial photos to evaluate differences in land cover due to environmental conditions and human actions between the acquisition dates of images. Change detection has shown that slow deforestation started before 1981.The destructive deforestation by cutting trees started between 1997 and 2006.This study shows that only 123.58 ha of scrub forest covers exists in the study area today compared to 271.95 ha in 1997. The main cause of this type of destructive deforestation was shrimp cultivation ,over exploitation of forest,over grazing ,human settlement,,removal of minor forest product,fishing and fnally the worst of all( Choudhury,1990).As most of the mangrove vegetation has been cleared in Chokoria Sundarbans, leaving very negligible scrub vegetation without any timber , hence was no scope for carrying out timber volume inventory.

An efficient forestry practice requires proper planning and timely management of the forest areas . Application of RS and GIS technology in terms of satellite remote sending may be helpful tool in this aspect. Landsat TM imageries have higher ground resolution, which can be efficiently be used for these purposes. At present RIMS (Resource Information Management System) is the only Institute which working for the forestry sector in the arena of RS and GIS. SPARRSO is partially working solely for this sector. If Government should come forward in this sector than a balance should be maintained between mangroves and other development activities like fish culture for the preservation of the environment. It is necessary to take the following necessary steps For this purposes

¯ To ensure preservation of existing forest .
¯ To reforestation of the vacant area.
To control of shrimp cultivation.
Minimize and control the growth rate of population.
Proper application of environmental laws.
Provision for saving natural beauty and biodiversity.
Proper application of forest laws.
Improvement of public awareness about mangrove forest.
Government must take action to save mangrove forest.

5.2. Limitations of the study

There are many reasons for land use change, deforestation of the Chokoria Sundarbans . Here, some reasons has described by using modern technology Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. Now, some limitations of this study are given in the following.

§ Two images of 1997and 2006 have used in this study. It will be better, if a recent image is available for analysis and processing.

§ There may be some error due to inefficiency.

5.3 Scope for future study

This study has described only a portion that is covered by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. So, there is a scope of study about other important and essential parts of mangrove forest cover in this zone. For the futures study, the researcher should include the following information in addition of this study.

v The land use map of this study can be improved by using Arc View software and many necessary environmental related data can be added into the map.
The recent image can be analyzed and processed. If it is available.
Research on "the impact of shrimp cultivation and climate changes" of this zone can be executed.

In this way, the researcher can make this study more attractive and informative in future.