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Law(00-01) A

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4th year 2nd Semester Examination, Session-2000-2001

Title-Forest and Environment Policy, Law &Administration

Course No. FOR-419,

Credit: 3, Total Marks-70, Time-3 hours

Dept. of Forestry And Environmental Science,

Shah Jalal University of Science And Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

1. Marks for respective question are shown at the end of each question.

2. All questions are equal marks except question number 1

3. Question no. 1 of each section is compulsory. Answer other two (2)questions from the rest three (3) for each section.

4. Answer should be written in separate answer script for each section.

Section: A

1. Write short note on any one of the following:(5x1=5)

a) Origin and Development of forest policy in Bangladesh

b) Biodiversity conservation and environmental pollution control.

2. a) Define forest policy?

b) A sound national forest policy is a pre requisite for judicious manipulation and extension of forest resource of Bangladesh.-write the critique on the statement.

c) “Every policy should be formulated based on some principles”- Explain it from forest policy view of point.

d) “Forest policy 1979 desperately failed to address some of the important issue regarding forest & forestry ”- how can you explain the statement.

3. a)

b) How national forest policy conflicts with other general land use policies? Eplain with example?

c) Why social and economical factors should be considered for environmental pollution control?

4. a) Write a critique on the latest forest policy of Bangladesh.

b) Write the penalty for the following crimes under Bangladesh environmental conservation act 1995:

i. Continue activities or processes, which prohibited in a ECAs.

ii. Vehicle emitting smokes and gases injuries to health or environment

iii. Manufacturing, importing or marketing polyhelene shopping bag .