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Wood Based Industry(04-05) A

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3rd year 2nd Semester Examination, Session-2004-2005

Title-Wood Based Industry

Course No. FOR-322,

Credit: 2, Total Marks-50, Time-2 hours

Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Science,

Shah Jalal University of Science And Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

1. Marks for respective question are shown at the end of each question.

2. All questions are equal marks except question number 1

3. Question no. 1 of each section is compulsory. Answer other two (2)questions from the rest three (3) for each section.

4. Answer should be written in separate answer script for each section.

Section: A

1. Write short note on any one of the following:(5x1=5)

a) Uses of Laminated wood,

b) Raw materials of Fibreboard.

2. a) Define Fibreboard.

b) What types of chemical additives are used in manufacturing fibreboard?

c) What are the post manufacturing treatments of fibreboard?

d) Write down the use of fibreboard?

3. a) Define plywood? Briefly describe different steps involve in plywood manufacturing?

b) Write the use of plywood in Bangladesh?

c) Write down the advantages of plywood over other materials.

4. a) What is Particle board? What are the types of particle board?

b) Which type of raw materials are used for making particle board?

c) Write down the name of the major Particle board industries of Bangladesh and their required raw materials.