1st year M. Sc Examination, Session-2005-2006
Title – Advanced Silviculture
Course No. FOR-512,
Credit: 4, Total Marks-70, Time3 hours
Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Science,
Shah Jalal University of Science And Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
1. Marks for respective question are shown at the end of each question.
2. All questions are equal marks except question number 1
3. Question no. 1 of each section is compulsory. Answer other two (2)questions from the rest three (3) for each section.
4. Answer should be written in separate answer script for each section.
Section: A
1. Write short note on any one of the following :( 5x1=5)
a) ECA,
b) Species-site interaction.
2. a) What is forest biodiversity? Give example.
b) Write the importance of biodiversity in respect to Bangladesh?
c) Discuss in brief the present status of biodiversity in Bangladesh?
d) Describe the major causes responsible for the loss of biodiversity in Bangladesh and mention their possible solutions.
3. a) What do you know about alien invasive species in Bangladesh ?
b) “Alien invasive are the great thereat to biodiversity conservation in hill forest of Bangladesh”-Discuss.
c) Briefly describe the ecological conditions necessary for successful natural regeneration?
d) Shortly discuss the natural regeneration procedure of Sundri in Sundarban.
4. a) What is SPA?
b) Describe the different steps of SPA.With examples
c) What are the environmental issues associated with different silviculture practices in Bangladesh?
b) Write the role of IUCN in Bangladesh?