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Forest tree Improvemnet and Biotechnology{03-04}B

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4th year 1st Semester Examination, Session-2003-2004

Title-Forest tree improvement and Biotechnology

Course No. FOR-411,

Credit: 3, Total Marks-70, Time-3 hours

Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Science,

Shah Jalal University of Science And Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

1. Marks for respective question are shown at the end of each question.

2. All questions are equal marks except question number 1

3. Question no. 1 of each section is compulsory. Answer other two (2)questions from the rest three (3) for each section.

4. Answer should be written in separate answer script for each section.

Section – B

1. Write short note on any one of the following :( 5x1=5)

a) Tissue culture in tree improvement,

b) Biotype evaluation.

2. a) Define biotechnology. Write the importance of biotechnology in forestry.?

b) Genetics and biotechnology are interlinked- Justify.

c) How does biotechnology facilitate the conservation of biodiversity?

3. a)What are the potential benefits of genetic modification to forestry and arboriculture?

b) What are the ecological and management strategies for reducing the risks and impact of biotype evolution associated with deployment of genetically engineered tree resistance?

c) Genetic modification of tree is a global treat: to what extent do you agree with the statement?

4. a) Define provenance trial. Discuss the steps involved in provenance trial.

b) Explain the term “genetic variability”.

c) Write down the general characteristics of in situ conservation methods.